A group of tired commuters have caught the last train home, ready to hop into their beds for the night. However, their train soon veers off-course and crashes into an abandoned tunnel. The three surviving commuters; withdrawn mother Yi Ling, her son Lucas, and student Janice, are forced to band together and survive the night, as well as avoid the mysterious monster hunting them. Yi Ling still suffers from flashbacks to the car accident that killed her husband and nearly took Lucas` life too. When Lucas is snatched away by the monster, her maternal instincts are tested, and Janice`s ideas of family are challenged as she remembers her difficult relationship with her estranged father. Back at the subway control headquarters, the engineers do their best to make sense of the situation and rescue the survivors.
在1956 年的法国北部,一群地下矿工带着一位教授前往地下一千米深处进行取样调查,而突如其来的山体滑坡导致他们无法再返回地面,但他们也发现了一个来自另一个时代的墓穴,并在不知情的情况下唤醒了传说中的嗜血生物。
本片基于令人难以置信的真实事件改编,联邦探员蒂姆·巴拉德(吉姆·卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰)在把一个小男孩从残忍的儿童拐卖犯罪中解救出来之后,得知男孩的姐姐同样被拐,他决定冒险前去营救,但政府无法派兵到他国领土救援。时间紧迫,蒂姆辞去工作,深入哥伦比亚丛林以身犯险,誓要把女孩从生不如死的命运中解救出来。
吉姆·哥德洛克(乔尔·金纳曼 Joel Kinnaman 饰)一家三口原本过着平凡幸福的生活,谁知在一个晴朗的日子里,两伙黑帮的街头火并彻底打碎了他们的幸福。儿子误中流弹身亡,愤怒的吉姆也在和黑帮对抗时被射中喉咙,几乎命丧当场。虽然经过抢救捡回了一条命,但是吉姆失去了声音,破碎的小家再也无法复原。万念俱灰的吉姆此时已完全被仇恨支配,出院后不久,吉姆开始疯狂健身,练习格斗、射击、飙车等技巧,他发誓要在一个月后,亲手干掉杀害了儿子的凶手——墨西哥黑帮光头老大。
雅荣(郑恩彩 饰)和俊浩(李东辉 饰)是一对从大学时代就在一起的恋人。对画画极具热情和天赋的雅荣,为了支持俊浩考公,而选择进入一家房地产中介公司工作,每日里强颜欢笑,身心俱疲。与之相对,俊浩虽然年年备考,却每次都名落孙山。如是荒度七年,他不仅被同学们所轻视,连雅荣也渐渐丧失了信心。直到某一天,谎称温书却在家打游戏的俊浩被雅荣抓包,于是一番争吵过后,他被对方赶出家去。衣食住行完全依靠女友的俊浩被迫打工谋生,这期间他邂逅了刚刚跟男友分手的女孩安娜。另一方面,雅荣频频相亲,却始终不得其人,直到某天某个男子让她心有所动。
广袤的银河系,已经被名为巴里萨利斯(艾德·斯克林 Ed Skrein 饰)的暴君所统治,并建立起庞大而残酷的帝国。位于银河系边缘的一座殖民星球,人们过着拮据贫苦的生活。这一天,帝国军舰突然出现在星球上空,狂暴的军官出现在人民面前,他不顾当地人的生计和死活,命令他们在规定时间内交够足够的粮食。军官走后,留下一队士兵监督人民劳作。谁曾想,一次突发事件导致女孩柯拉(索菲亚·波多拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)和帝国的机器人吉米(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 配音)反抗并杀掉了这些士兵。为了对抗巴里萨利斯的大军,柯拉等人出发前往抵抗组织“血斧”。
性格腼腆的 13 岁男孩亚历克斯(埃文·惠滕)从堪萨斯城飞到墨西哥,第一次与他的大家庭成员见面。在那里,他遇到了身为前自由摔跤冠军的祖父查瓦(德米安·比齐尔饰)、精力充沛且痴迷摔跤的表弟米莫(尼科拉斯·贝尔杜戈饰),以及大胆时髦的表姐卢娜(阿什莉·恰拉)。但就在亚历克斯开始融入所处的环境时,他在爷爷的小屋里发现了一个神秘的生物:一只幼小的丘帕卡布拉。亚历克斯曾从描写可怕的成年丘帕卡布拉的故事中见过这种生物,传说它以农民的牲畜为食。亚历克斯很快就了解到他的新朋友“丘帕”和他的家族有一段不为人知的历史,而顽固且危险的科学家理查德·奎因(克里斯蒂安·史莱特饰)正在追捕这个被误解的生物,并试图利用它的力量。为了保护丘帕免受即将到来的危险,亚历克斯踏上了终身难遇的冒险之旅,这场冒险将增近他与新家庭成员的感情,让他明白,当不必独自承担生活的负担时,生活也会变得更加美好。
《我的吸血怪好友》由霍纳斯·卡隆(《绝命荒漠》)担任导演,26th Street Pictures 的克里斯·哥伦布、迈克尔·巴尔纳森和马克·拉德克利夫(《拯救圣诞记》)担任制片人,是一场描写神话、回忆和创造个人传奇的怀旧之旅。
Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of Watson Corners, the store which she owns and operates with her widowed mother, Helen Sweet. In this new year, they are facing a massive rent increase, which they can only cover by increased business in what is their busy season in the lead up to Valentine's Day or risk closing altogether. In the unwitting help of Lucy's best friend Serena and their new employee Georgie, whose social media posts are increasing the shop's exposure, Lucy and Helen believe the way out of their financial predicament is the chocolate cupid, a confection which was originally only given/sold to friends and family in the legend that eating it will lead to true love for those whose hearts are open to it. Lucy had long created a wall in the shop featuring the many couples who attest to their love happening after eating the cupid, one being Helen herself and her now deceased husband, Scott Sweet. Helping or hindering that exposure is the arrival of reporter Dean Chase of Channel 55 News, who was given the assignment of covering the legend of chocolate cupid by the station's news director, Nora Nguyen. The issue with Dean is that he is renowned for his no holds barred exposés, he only given this assignment by Nora to help him show the network brass that he's not a one trick pony in being considered for a job he really wants as a news anchor for their Chicago affiliate's morning show. Dean's initial inclination is to call out the fraud that is the cupid in he truly believing it to be such, he changing his tune if only in the goal of the promotion. All this added exposure does the trick of the needed increased revenue, with the question being whether Dean is converted as he and Lucy spend time together and start to fall for each other. This item may be tested as Nora wants this extended assignment to culminate on Valentine's Day with Dean eating a cupid on camera, a long term arrangement with Lucy which may be incompatible with his professional end goal of a job in New York City. It may also test Lucy's commitment as she admits to never have eaten a cupid herself not so much in fearing love, but what comes after love, namely pain and heartbreak as witnessed by the extreme grief experienced by Helen when Scott died.—Huggo
《蒙上你的眼:逃出巴塞罗那》由《蒙上你的眼》的制作人倾情打造,是 2018 年备受观众青睐的热门电影的衍生作品。在一股神秘力量使世界人口大量减少之后,塞巴斯蒂安必须在巴塞罗那荒凉的街道上展开自己的求生之旅。当他与其他幸存者结成不稳定的联盟,并试图逃离这座城市时,一个意想不到、甚至更加险恶的威胁正在增长
这个现代版吸血鬼德古拉的故事中,主人公是他忠心耿耿的随从。雷恩菲尔德(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 饰),是史上最自恋的老板德古拉(尼古拉斯·凯奇 饰)饱受折磨的助手。雷恩菲尔德被迫为他的主人寻找猎物,并且必须随传随到,听从他的吩咐做任何事,不管这些事情有多低贱。但是现在,在数百年来对主人唯命是从的服侍之后,雷恩菲尔德准备好想看看他在暗夜王子的阴影以外,是否能过另一种生活,但是他必须想办法摆脱他和主人之间的依附关系
孙逸臣(张继聪 饰)在一次出差中,因女秘书意外遇害身亡而含冤入狱。狱中不仅要与狱霸司徒(黄光亮 饰)周旋,还要面对凶残狱长(郑浩南 饰)的霸凌,只有狱警胡海(张建声 饰)勉强关照。狱中本就度日如年,而一场致命的传染病此时也悄然降临。面对“天灾人祸” 于逸臣决定利用 知识 改变命运,求生申冤。他将如何虎口脱险,为自己博得一线生机?
根据2007年塔利班挟持韩国人质事件改编,讲述阿富汗发生韩国人质绑架事件后,谈判专家郑在浩(黄政民 饰)与负责中东事务的国情院特工朴大植(玄彬 饰)为解救人质而联手与恐怖分子交涉的故事
The movie is based on the suspense short film nominated for the Golden Méliès to the Best European Fantastic Short Film, winner of more than 30 awards and screened by more than 200 film festivals. It was defined by the critics as "a cult short film".