
2022 瑞典
Marusya is 16 and, like many Russian teenagers, is determined to end her life. Then she meets her soulmate in another millennial, Kimi. They spend a decade filming the euphoria and anxiety, the happiness and misery of their youth, muzzled by a violent an autocratic regime in the midst of a “depressed Russia”. This film is a cry from the heart, a tribute to an entire silenced ge...
2023 德国
2022 美国
2020年8月20日,俄罗斯反对派人物、反腐败活动人士阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼身中“诺维乔克”神经毒剂后入院接受治疗。在从托木斯克(Томск)飞往莫斯科的航班上,他的病情极度恶化,生命垂危。飞机于鄂木斯克(Омск)紧急降落后,陷入昏迷的纳瓦尔尼被送往医院,两天后他又被转送至德国柏林的夏利特医院。康复期间,死里逃生的纳瓦尔尼与一群记者联手调查这起以他为目标的谋杀事件。   本片获2022圣丹斯电影节最受欢迎奖和美国纪录片竞赛单元观众奖。
2017 俄罗斯
Don't call him Dimon is a 2017 Russian documentary film about the corrupt affairs of Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. According to the film, Dmitry Medvedev has stolen property estimated to be worth about $1.2 billion.
2020 美国
2014 英国
What is it about the Bolshoi Ballet that makes it uniquely Russian? This documentary follows internationally acclaimed former Royal Ballet dancer Deborah Bull as she enters the world of the Bolshoi ballet, to look at how and why the Bolshoi is an internationally renowned, world class company. Deborah explores what makes it so special & different from other great ballet companie...
2022 丹麦
Uncovering the stories of the designers who built fascinating architectural marvels during the Soviet regime, Soviet Bus Stops is an ode to the power of individual creativity that would not be suppressed.
2022 丹麦
这是一座不同于人们固有印象的“孤儿院”。它靠近东乌克兰战争前线,是一小群社工们组织起的临时住处,带给无所归依的孩子们舒适与安全。这座房屋尽管有些简陋破败,却充满着关怀,成为这些将由政府决定归属的孩子们为期九个月的庇护所。在这段短暂的时光里,孤儿院的照料者们努力地在孩子们心中播种下一份安稳与日常。   注:顿巴斯战争(东乌克兰战争)指2014年2月至今在乌克兰东南部顿巴斯的战争,由俄罗斯控制的位于乌克兰东部和南部俄语地区的亲俄势力与乌克兰政府军发生交战。